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2023-03-14 13:32分类:炒股技巧 阅读:







  考虑到以上情况,很多有眼光的朋友都会选择“减少A股风险”+“扩大海外风格”:去尝试一番“减少A 股风险 + 扩大海外风格” 的理念 。 因此, “ 深 港 通 ” 概 念 板 块 得 以 火 热 出 现 。


  【什么是“ 深 港 通 ” 概 念 板 块】


  " 深 港 通 " 概 念 板 块 ( “ SGT ” ) , 通 俗 理 解 便是 针对 A 股 大盘 上 一 些 有代表性 的 蓝 筹 超 越 大 盘 ;而 作为 SGT 精 神 (SGT Spirit ) 第一代代表性板块 —— “ GEM+SGT ”板块 (GEM+SGT Concept Plate ), 其特征便是——GEM: 高速发展 + SGT: 超出 A 股 大盘弹性好 + 大盘应壮 + GEM+SGT: 高速发展 + 大盘弹性好 + SGT Spirit: 高速应壮.


  [SGT] 本意就是 [Stock Connect] , ( Stock Connect : 中国内地( Shanghai & Shenzhen ) - Hong Kong Stock Connect) , 而 GEM+SGT Concept Plate (Gemstone Plus Stock Connect Concept Plate) , 本意就是 [Gemstone Plus Stock Connect Concept Plate], Gemstone : Chinas Growth Enterprise Market (GEM), Plus : Plus, Stock Connect : Hong Kong - Chinas Shanghai & Shenzhen Connect.


  【关于【Stock Connect】】


  "Stock Connect" , It is a cross-border capital market trading mechanism, allowing mainland investors to buy and sell Hong Kong listed stocks in RMB without the need of foreign exchange. The launch of the stock connect has greatly promoted financial cooperation between the two places and also expanded the participation of mainland investors in overseas securities markets. With the passage of time, Hong Kong listed stocks will become an important link between Chinas domestic and overseas securities markets.


  [What Are The Stocks Of The "Stock Connect" That Can Be Traded?]


  "Stock Connect" can be traded in many stocks from both sides of the border, including blue-chip H shares listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and red-chip A shares listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. As of August 2020, there are 812 constituent stocks available for trading through "Stock Connect". These include 645 Mainland China A shares, 148 Hong Kong H shares, 12 Mainland China B shares and 7 Chinese enterprises listed in overseas markets.




