
股票入门基础知识和炒股入门知识 - - 股票学习网!


2023-04-03 09:23分类:BIAS 阅读:




对于“深港通”标准成份股而言,既有机会通过A股市场实施IPO外围募集(Initial Public Offering of Exterior Raising Funds, IPOE) ;也有机会通过H-share 利用HKEx 上市募集(Listing of Raising Fund on HKEx, LRFH)方式实施内外募集 (Raising Funds Inside and Outside, RFIO) 。

同时, 深圳证券交易所将根据《 深圳证券交易所关于促进依法合规发行人民币B 股的实施意见》 ( 以下简称《 实施意见》 ) ( 深证发[2018]75 号 ) 等相关法律法 规要求, 针对存量H - share 上市公司和已上市 A 股公司申请人民币 B 股上市申请人 ( 其中包含 “ 深 港 通 ” 标准成份 股 ) , 组 织 实 施 “ 人 民 币 B 肣 ” 申 请 人 气 电 外 围 骄 风 服 务 。 < p > 这 显 示 了 “ 深 港 通 ” 标 准 成 份 胗 的 重 要性 , 并使得 H - share 公司也能够申办 B-share. < p > 目前 , “ 深 港 通 ” 和 “ 香 沪 高 链 ” ( Hong Kong Stock Connect )形成了一体化的金融体系 , 有效 维 系 着 大 Mainland China and Hong Kongs capital market . < p > "Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect" is a two-way investment channel connecting investors from both sides. It also provides a platform for the mutual recognition of stocks and mutual circulation of funds in Mainland China and Hong Kong. In essence, it is a bridge between the two markets, which can effectively connect Mainland China and Hong Kongs capital markets.

The most important part of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect are its constituent stocks. These stocks must meet certain criteria set out by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in order to be included in the list. The criteria include having good corporate governance practices, sound financial performance, sufficient liquidity and sufficient investor base.

The inclusion of these stocks into the list is essential for Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect to function properly. Without these stocks, investors would not be able to invest in either sides capital markets safely and conveniently.

"Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect" has brought great convenience to investors on both sides. Investors can now invest in each others stock markets more easily, providing them with more options when it comes to investing their money. At the same time, it has also made cross-border investments easier for companies on both sides.

"Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect" has also helped reduce transaction costs for investors as well as improve liquidity in both markets. This has led to an increase in trading volume between Mainland China and Hong Kong as well as an overall improvement in the efficiency of capital flows between the two markets.

"Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect" has allowed investors from both sides to access each others stock markets more easily than ever before. By connecting the two markets together, it has provided a bridge that allows investors from both sides to take advantage of each others opportunities while minimizing risks.

"Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect" is an important step towards further integrating Mainland China and Hong Kongs capital markets. With its help, investors on either side can now enjoy greater convenience when investing in each others stock markets while at the same time reducing transaction costs.




